Jud Alexander

Co-Founder / President

Jud Alexander co-founded TEL in 2004 and serves as the company’s President, overseeing its revenue and support divisions. He stays very involved in all aspects of sales.

A personal goal to build a business on value, service, and a strong reputation

Prior to founding TEL in 2004, Jud and Doug Carmichael were working together at Covenant Transport helping the company sell and dispose of used equipment. They had the idea to begin buying trucks themselves so they could lease to small fleets. They knew that if they could work out financing so that lease payments were within a certain range it would be more advantageous to fleet operators than paying retail payments. So, they established a business, opened a line of credit with a bank in Chattanooga, TN, and began operations.

The tremendous growth TEL has experienced over the years has come organically, spread by word of mouth and fueled by a reputation of pushing as much value into their customer service as they possibly could. Jud has ensured that the company always remains focused on its customers – helping transportation entrepreneurs run a better business and get advantageous terms for one their highest cost items, equipment.

Jud Alexander background and personal notes:

Jud earned a business degree from the University of Mississippi and likes to point out that he’s only had two jobs in his entire career – working for Roadway and TEL. He is married with two adult children and one grandson – and hoping for more.