Jacob Brazier

Jacob Brazier

Senior Vice President, Sales

Jacob Brazier joined TEL in 2012 and has essentially grown up in the transportation industry, coming from a family that grew and sold a trucking company. He focuses on understanding customers’ business models and how equipment costs affect transportation businesses in different ways.

A personal goal to help family-owned-and-operated trucking companies become more successful

Jacob sees the opportunity at TEL to improve profitability and success for transportation companies by providing the best possible fleet leasing program to support their operations and maximize their cash flow. Jacob channels his passion for the industry into his role at TEL and his goal to help family-owned and operated companies become more successful. 

At TEL, Jacob values the direct impact his Fleet Leasing team is able to have on families, their companies, their employees, and their communities by helping them build a stronger and more profitable business.

Jacob Brazier background and personal notes:

Jacob graduated from Kennesaw State University with a degree in business management and entrepreneurship. He loves that transportation companies place a high value on building long-lasting relationships, and he enjoys working with “lots of good people” in the industry.